Uk’s Quest for Zero Plastic Waste: Unintended Consequences of Paper Alternatives

Uk Quest for Zero Plastic Waste Unintended Consequences of Paper Alternatives

According to the think tank Green Alliance, in the middle of the public over the impact of plastic usage, complaints are now even more careful about increased pressure to swap to alternatives of plastic usage that can help bring better repercussions with the greater response from the public. Waste plastic is a big problem of […]

Material Loops vs. Closed Loops: Debunking Recycling Myths For Paper Packaging

Material Loops vs. Closed Loops

In the world of packaging, everyone is so conscious about recycling and the topic has gained immense popularity all across the globe, particularly concerning paper packaging. We as individuals need to make  responsible choices towards recycling and different methods of Material Loops and Closed Loops . Because these methods often become blurred and never discussed […]

EU’s Packaging Waste Regulation: Enhancing Recycling Systems for a Greener Future

EU Packaging Waste Regulation

Looking to know about the EU’ packaging waste initiative? The EU government and commissions have been working hard to make policies by not using plastic packaging by reinforcing the practice of green packaging. When we design packaging it uses a lot of new material .It  is required to use natural resources, a lot of water […]

Sustainable Packaging and Society’s Reliance on Single-Use Culture

Sustainable Packaging and Society

It’s been like two years since plastic straws were banned in Uk, yet it has made a huge impact and even widely celebrated on environmental plastic pollution in the UK and is still in the debate as plastic straws comprise only 0.025% of total plastic flowing into oceans globally. As we are dealing with serious […]

Paper vs. Plastic: A Sustainable Dilemma for Uk’s Packaging Industry

Paper vs. Plastic

Every individual is now becoming more conscious about packaging as climate change has impacted the earth a lot. The Uk government has been more active within the domain of packaging and exercising these practices to increase their environmental sustainability. The Uk has designed a global leadership to introduce a comprehensive net-zero industries decarbonization strategy. This […]

Global Variation in Environmental Priorities: Insights from a Sustainability Survey

Global Variation in Environmental Priorities

It’s been like two years that the government and policy makers are trying to create an eco-friendly environment for everyone. Every year, more and more people have been throwing plastic around the world. This creates a huge problem of plastic pollution and countries like the UK sending plastics pollution to other countries which is not […]

Shifting Consumer Sentiments: Packaging Sustainability Post-COVID-19

Shifting Consumer Sentiments Packaging Sustainability

As covid-19 hits across the globe and changed the whole world’s lifestyle. This pandemic has transformed the sentiments of sustainability, after this consumer preferences towards packaging become clearer. Before this deadly virus, people were not familiar much about climate change and eco-friendly packaging and never paid much attention to it. This virus left a great […]

Packaging Waste Regulation 2023 A Comprehensive Overview

packaging waste regulation

If your company is UK-based, has a revenue of more than £2 million, and produces, uses, or sells packaging products, you must register for the Producer Responsibility Obligations (Packaging Waste Regulations). Packaging Recovery Notes (PRNs) ensure that your business pays a fair proportion of packaging recovery and recycling costs. So What Are Packaging Waste Regulations? […]

Willingness to Pay for Sustainability: Consumer Preferences in Packaging

Willingness to Pay for Sustainability

For years, environmental protection and global warming have gained enough popularity. To make the earth cleaner and eco-friendly, businesses are now more concerned yet highly conscious about packaging. In this regard, many companies have become trendsetters or initiative-takers for green packaging and have gained immense popularity. However, to promote the development of a healthier earth, […]

Navigating Sustainable Packaging: The Role of Legislation and Consumer Behavior

Recently, legislation has been trying to implement green packaging across the globe. The waste packaging figure is staggering and highly alarming for today’s time as it has impacted us and the world simultaneously. The epidemics have been taking their sides, shortage of food, wildlife disturbances, and last but not least, natural resources are vanishing slowly, […]

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