Global Corrugated Packaging Industry: A Comprehensive Overview

Global Corrugated Packaging Industry

In recent times, the global packaging industry has surpassed numerous innovative trends worldwide, properly driven by new ideas and actions. Various associations are working worldwide, including the Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper Industry and their collaboration with the Association of Corrugators of the Caribbean, Central, and South America, as well as others, to define and innovate the corrugated packaging industry across the globe. 

Localizing Packaging Supply Chains within The United States

The United States is taking all necessary steps to localise packaging supply chains. Due to this, new changes are occurring in the packaging industry of the United States; they are establishing new packaging resources and also combining them with existing ones, which is not only streamlining the supply chain but also minimizing the expense and improving the quality of packaging. According to Kearney’s Reshoring Index Survey, more than 90% of business owners in the US are reshoring. For that purpose, the majority of US companies are now collaborating with local manufacturers, enabling them to play their part in reducing logistical and environmental challenges.

Environmental Laws Boost Corrugated Packaging in Latin and South America

Environmental laws and regulations are now implemented widely in Latin and South America. It provides a significant boost to the corrugated packaging industry in this part of the World. According to the fresh Kearny’s 2024 Reshoring Index report, Mexico is considered the largest exporter to the US, which is helping them to localise their supply chain within their territories. 

However, Latin and South American authorities are controlling this procedure by forcing strict laws to work under the standards to promote environment and sustainability. According to the director general of the Association of Corrugators of the Caribbean, Central, and South America, our main focus is to promote sustainability, as it is becoming a common concern in almost all industries. Due to this, the new legislation now highly promotes corrugated as the best alternative packaging to spread sustainability. 

Staying Strong During War in Ukraine

The ongoing conflict in Ukraine has posed significant challenges to various industries, including the corrugated packaging sector. Despite the disruptions, the industry has demonstrated remarkable resilience. Due to the war, the domestic demand for any kind of packaging has also declined in Ukraine. However, local food producers are still preferring high-quality corrugated packaging material. 

Overall Assessment

With the passage of time, the demand for corrugated material is increasing with the exceptional rise of e-commerce industries. The United Kingdom is also included in all these nations in which the demand for corrugated packaging is rising. Therefore, is considered the best in the business for producing corrugated packaging in different shapes and sizes, enabling other industries to craft their product’s packaging and join the global corrugated packaging trend. 

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