How Delivered High-End Packaging Solution to The Manchester City FC? (A Case Study)



Manchester City Football Club (MCFC) was about to launch their new jersey and needed personalized high-end giveaway boxes to make it a big deal. They wanted luxury bespoke boxes that should show off their gold logo in style and are environment-friendly as well. On top of that, they needed the boxes to fold flat so they wouldn’t take up too much space.

Chris, The Packaging Concierge:

MCFC reached out to us, and one of your dedicated packaging consultants, Chris, took the lead. He listened attentively to the club’s vision and understood the specific requirements for the packaging. This included a premium look, eco-friendly materials, and a collapsible design.

Chris came up with a perfect plan! He suggested using special rigid hardboard boxes that looked nice but were also good for the environment because the inside part was made from something that breaks down naturally. He also suggested making the boxes fold flat to save space.

To make sure MCFC liked the idea, He even created 3D diagram of the boxes so they could see exactly what they would look like before they were made. This way, MCFC knew exactly what they were getting.

Exceeding Expectations and Delivering on Time:

MCFC was thoroughly impressed with the design. The collapsible rigid boxes exuded a luxurious feel and showcased the club’s gold logo prominently. The eco-friendly aspect resonated with their sustainability goals. The entire process, from initial contact to delivery, was a testament to ThePackagingBoxes’ commitment to exceptional service. The final product was delivered within a week, ensuring a smooth launch for MCFC ‘s new jersey.

The Result: A Winning Partnership

The case of Manchester City FC exemplifies our approach. By actively listening to the client’s needs and offering innovative packaging solutions, Chris ensured a successful outcome. Those high-end bespoke collapsible boxes didn’t just make the launch ceremony a success, they perfectly reflected Manchester City FC’s brand values. This successful partnership demonstrates ThePackagingBoxes’ ability to deliver exceptional customer service and high-quality packaging solutions, all while prioritizing sustainability.

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